Alterations in concrete samples due to Alkali–Carbonate–Reaction ‘ACR’

Numéro de la revue: 37
Auteurs:  Nadjette Rehamnia1, Mohamed Fouzi Habita1, Fouzia Bouabdallah2 & Noureddine Ferhoune2

1 Laboratoire Génie Civil, Département de Génie Civil, Faculté des Sciences de l’Ingénieur, Université Badji Mokhtar, BP 12, Annaba, 23000, Algérie.

2 Département de Génie Civil, Faculté des Sciences et Sciences Appliquées, Université  Larbi Ben M’hidi, BP 358, Oum El Bouaghi OEB, Algérie.

Soumis le : 23 /10/2017              Révisé le : 03/05/2018                Accepté le : 20/05/2018

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The Alkali-Aggregate-Reaction pathology (AAR) over time destroys concrete constructions in the civil engineering field, because of an expansive solid gel that leads to interstitial pressure until cracking and checking-cracks.This article shows a six-month search for the ACR effects on concrete samples « (A) control and (B, C) affected by ACR « . Damage symptoms were observed microscopically, chemically and physico-mechanically. Significant results have been analyzed in ACR concrete such as: discoloration, aureole, swelling, chemical components, etc.

Key words: Concrete,  Aggregate , Alkali,  Reaction, Carbonate.